Corporate Profile

President's Message

I think people have always wished for good health,
that is something that has never changed,
no matter the era. From ancient times,
people have always striven and sought after various
ways to obtain and remain healthy.
This aspiration is being fulfilled,
through the advancement of chemistry
and the field known as pharmaceuticals.

At Shiono Finesse, we contribute to the world via the fine
chemicals business, centered on the development and
manufacture of pharmaceutical products.
We have established an environmentally friendly and
safe business structure that enables us to offer products
with guaranteed quality. In addition,
we operate a large factory with state-of-the-art equipment
in compliance with recognized GMP
(good manufacturing practice) standards.
Our products have been tested within that framework,
allowing us to create “human-friendly” pharmaceuticals.


Corporate Profile

People have always wished for good health.
At Shiono Finesse, we contribute to the world via the fine chemicals business,
centered on the development and manufacture of pharmaceutical products.

Corporate Profile

Corporate Name
Shiono Finesse, Ltd.
December, 1996
[ Head Office ]
1-6, Dosyomachi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0045, Japan
[ Fukui Factory ]
156-1, Aza-hamawari, Yonozu 49, Mikuni-cho, Sakai, Fukui, 913-0036, Japan
Contract Manufacturing and Process Development for APIs and Intermediates for APIs
JPY 90 million (100% owned by Shiono Koryo)
86 (as of April, 2019)


Dec, 1996
Shiono Finesse, Ltd. Established
Mar, 1998
First construction of the factory completed
Sep, 1998
Manufacturing Business License granted
Jul, 1999
Second construction completed
Sep, 2008
FDA Pre-Approval Inspection conducted and no 483s issued
Dec, 2010
EMS(ISO 14001) certified

HQ Location

  • Location:1-6, Dosyomachi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0045, Japan
  • General Affairs Dept.:TEL.06-6222-1471

Fukui Factory Location

  • Location:156-1 Aza-hamawari, Yonozu 49, Mikuni-cho, Sakai, Fukui 913-0036, Japan
  • Operation Dept.:TEL. 0776-81-7555
    FAX. 0776-81-6464


  • company cafeteria

    company cafeteria

  • tennis court

    tennis court

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